The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  • Using your instant impact message all the time—at business func-
    tions, at cocktail parties, on your business cards, on your stationery,
    in any marketing brochures you develop, and even in the line at the
    grocery store. The more that people hear about your business, the
    greater your credibility becomes, making your sales process easier.


Now is the time to break the rules! Instead of always going after sales or
prospects with only your own resources, stretch the tentacles of the octo-
pus even further by finding a way to partner with centers of influence, or-
ganizations, or other companies that communicate with large numbers of
your customers. It is a perfect way to spread credible messages about your
For instance, is there a nonprofit organization that can use your prod-
ucts or services? If so, provide them at a discount and in exchange for a testi-
monial, announcements in the nonprofit’s newsletters, or a link on its web
site, creating a win-win for both of you. Nonprofits have boards of directors
made up of high-profile decision makers. When you are introduced to them
via an organization they have a personal interest in, making a network con-
nection with them becomes easier.
Keep your network growing by approaching businesses with comple-
mentary products or services that also serve your customers. Is there a way
you can partner with them to offer a more complete solution to your cus-
tomers? If so, create networking possibilities by developing joint brochures or
linking to each other’s web site.
By uniting together, you strengthen a sense of community, deliver what
customers need, plus create new opportunities to deliver your message. The
result is that these “octopus tentacles” expand your reach further than you
ever imagined. This is the foundation for saving time, money, and frustration
to create successful sales channels.


Do not stop networking once you have achieved a result. Continually deliver
your instant impact message and discover new ways to benefit others. By
helping them achieve greater success, you keep your products or services
“top-of-mind.” As new people enter their circle of influence, they are more
likely to refer you!

Octopus Networking 205
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