The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

For instance, can you provide them with another product (maybe from
one of your referral partners) that will save them time, money, or frustra-
tion? Do you have any additional contacts or information that can help
them sell more effectively? Do you have any referrals for them? If so, share
those names.


No matter how seasoned a network marketer you are, when someone says
something negative about your business or your abilities, it stings. Conven-
tional wisdom says that you should just ignore any naysayers. After all, won’t
they just hold you back from your goals?
The opposite is actually true when you are trying to discover unique
methods for successfully networking. Some of the best strategies and con-
tacts are born from unwelcome criticism. Negative comments often contain
kernels of truth—the people offering them just do not do a great job deliver-
ing them. Your goal in networking is to engage these naysayers, determine
what experiences and ideas they have to share, and then ask them for help to
achieve your goals.
Ask naysayers for help? Yes! These individuals are used to being ignored
by others but have numerous experiences and contacts to share. By simply lis-
tening to them rather than dismissing them, you can make them an important
part of your networking circle.
Perhaps they may have had a negative experience with a network mar-
keting company, distributor, or product. Engage naysayers by requesting that
they tell you all about their horrible experience. Show you are listening by re-
peating back statements they make to you. If they say you will never be able
to get past people’s objections about the network marketing industry, you say,
“You may be right. Getting past prior traumatic experiences can be difficult.
What would you suggest to make it possible?”
Your goal is to find the truth, anger, or pain in what they are saying and
discover new strategies they have to offer. As you hear them out and listen to
their ideas, their defenses fall, and they will share their years of experience.
And if they don’t have an interest themselves, they may just provide you with
the name of someone who can help you achieve your goal. Now that is suc-
cessful networking!
The foundation to achieving network marketing success faster is to real-
ize that it is okay to ask for help. The most common notion people have is
that in order to succeed, you must go it alone. But getting help is not a sign of
weakness. It is just smart business. When someone else introduces you, it in-
stantly increases your credibility and encourages people to trust you, making
your sales process easier and your networking efforts more exciting.


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