The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Heating Up Your Cold Market

Amy Posner


uilding a network marketing business is about talking to people.
Naturally, it follows that you are always going to need people to
talk to, and how to go about finding enough of those people is an
especially important part of the larger success puzzle. Reaching Out
Methods (ROMs) are simply ways of marketing in order to find people in-
terested in building a business. Depending on your personality and style, as
well as available time and budget, there are various methods from which to
Having a few different ROMs working in parallel is generally a sound
marketing approach for your network marketing business. Some strategies
will be more long-term, while others will work more quickly; some will re-
quire a larger financial commitment, some will be low-cost, and some will be
no-cost. Some ROMs will be in your warm market, some in the cold. Each
has its merits; the point is not to rely on one alone, but to always have at least
a few different methods working for you at any given time.
Let’s take a look at several ROMs in detail, including working with
Internet-generated leads; advertising through newspaper, radio, and maga-
zine; and working in affinity groups.
Remember, you are running a business, and it makes sense to approach
it in a businesslike manner. That includes having a marketing plan, consis-
tently working that plan, and evaluating it on a weekly, monthly, and quar-
terly basis. Doing so will enable you to see what’s working and what’s not,
which in turn will allow you to invest more of your time and resources in
those methods that yield the greatest results.
Many of us started our businesses in the warm market, talking to peo-
ple we know. This has been the classic staple of network marketing train-
ing—who hasn’t heard of the idea of starting out by making a list of family
and friends?
However, that doesn’t necessarily mean the warm market is the
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