The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Remember that the key to achieving success in the field of network mar-
keting is right there in its name—networking! Welcome to the world where
successful networking is really just building a circle of continual referrals
rather than a straight-line effort to create your own success.

Reaching more than 2.4 million entrepreneurs monthly, Romanus Wolter is the
“Kick Start Guy.” As the author of the best-selling Kick Start Your Dream Busi-
ness(Ten Speed Press), co-founder of, and Entre-
preneur magazine’s Success Coach columnist, he provides practical, proven
action steps that close the gap between goals and success.
As a radio host and speaker, Romanus leaves audiences energized and
with enough creative ideas to last two lifetimes. His programs are tied together
with passion and action! As more than one person has said, “Romanus does not
view the cup as half-full or half-empty—it’s overflowing!” Romanus’ best-sell-
ing small business guidebook, Kick Start Your Dream Business, provides the in-
formation and inspiration people need to succeed. The action steps in the book
apply to both a person’s life and career, giving them the ability to make power-
ful choices. It helps change “I can’t” into “I can!”
Romanus obtained a master’s degree in international marketing. As an en-
trepreneurial consultant in London and Hong Kong, he learned what it takes
for small businesses to expand. The practical steps captured in Kick Start Your
Dream Businessleverage this rare experience. His new small business web site
at, provides the action steps, expert advice, com-
munity, and resources people need to succeed.
Romanus is a columnist for Be Your Own Boss, The Magazine for Work-
ing Womenand has a monthly “The Kick Start Guy” segment on Entrepreneur
Radio. His observations on what it takes to succeed have been reported in re-
spected publications such as BusinessWeek, Bloomberg Television, the Chicago
Tribune,, Money & Profits, the Korea Times, the San Francisco
Chronicle, and numerous other media.

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