The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
First, Connect

Before you even begin with your script or tell them about the company, you
want to connect with them. This is best done by asking questions and getting
to know them a bit. If you’re not a natural schmoozer, prepare some basic
questions that will break the ice and help you establish a bit of rapport. You
don’t need their life story. Remember, you’re keeping this call brief.
My partner and I have worked with all sorts of connecting questions
over the years. The very best, most effective question we’ve found is this:
“John, if I might ask—tell me where you are in the process of looking
for a business: are you casually browsing, or seriously looking?”
This question is very simple and nonthreatening, and it will often get the
other person talking and cutting right to the chase. More often than not, peo-
ple will respond by telling you not just whether they’re casually browsing or
seriously looking but why. This allows you to step directly into how your op-
portunity can work for them.
If they give you a simple, short answer (for example, “casually brows-
ing”), you can follow up with, “Well, tell me, what are you doing now?
Are you looking for something to supplement a current income?” Engage
them in a little conversation and you’ll be able to get a sense of what
they’re like.
Remember, you are the interviewer—the CEO for your own company
talking to a potential candidate for a very important position building your
future and theirs. So be bold. Be polite and respectful, but don’t be afraid to
ask some serious questions. You’ll be surprised at how forthcoming people
will be if you give them the opportunity. It gives you a chance to size them up,
and it also gives you the chance to connect on a personal level, which opens
them up to hear your message. When they can sense you’re for real, they at-
tach that credibility to the company you are presenting.
Next, tell them you want to give them the nutshell version of your busi-
ness, and if there’s a fit you’ll get them more information. This is where your
short one- to two-minute overview comes in.

Have Them Grade Themselves

After you’ve finished with your brief presentation, say:
“John, from the little bit you’ve heard, where do you see yourself on a
scale of 1 to 10, 1 being ‘no interest’ and 10 being ‘excited to learn more’?”
If they’re under a 5, tell them that’s really not enough interest to pursue
this any further, thank them for their time, and dial another number.
If they are a 5 or 6, ask them if they have any questions that might raise
their interest level a point or two.
If they are a 7 or above, take the next step.

Heating Up Your Cold Market 211
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