The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

when people buy it or pick up a free copy, they download it and read it on their
But what should you write about? That depends on your goal. If you
want your e-book to bring you new prospects, I would pick a niche and write
an e-book about how to earn extra money for that niche. For example, my
background is as a professional theater performer and director. So if I wanted
to recruit other theater professionals, I could easily write an e-book called At-
tention Actors! 5 Proven Ways You Can Earn a Second Paycheck—Without
Waiting Tables or Even Leaving Your House!
Or, if I wanted to sell a health product that would help people avoid
cancer (or any other ailment your product or service helps to relieve), then I
could write an e-book on The #1 Way to Live a Cancer-Free Life!For a long-
distance service: How to Save 36% on Your Long-Distance Bill Every Single
Month—100% Legally!
Got the idea? Your goal should be to write to one specific group of peo-
ple—a certain niche or occupation. Provide them with useful information that
speaks to them. And throughout your e-book, gradually make the case for
why your product or opportunity is the only one that solves their problems.
Relax, this is a lot easier than it sounds. In fact, even if you can’t write,
can’t type, or flunked high school English class, you can quickly and easily
write your own e-book in as little time as seven days. A friend of mine, Jim
Edwards, has an excellent web site that helps you create your new e-book in
just one week. If you want to be considered an expert on a topic, I highly rec-
ommend Or, if you want someone to ghostwrite
your e-book, visit to hire a writer for a few hundred bucks.
Regardless of which method you choose, the moment you publish your
own e-book, you almost instantly become an expert on whatever topic you
write about. And that newfound celebrity can create a flood of profits for
your business.



The next few Internet methods are going to be short and sweet, but don’t dis-
count them. They are just as potent and profit-producing as anything else I’ve
taught you so far! And this method—publishing your own newsletter—is no
You can publish either via direct mail or online. You can use the same
USPS service I recommended earlier to send full newsletters, in addition to
just postcards, or you can publish online. If you go the online route, I highly
recommend you still collect full contact information when people sign up for


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