The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

You should use postcards for the same three groups of people I men-
tioned in the preceding section. In addition to those groups, here are a few
more ideas to get your mind going.

  • Send a thank-you to new customers.

  • Send a postcard for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Hal-
    loween, and so forth.

  • Promote a special discount your company might be running on join-
    ing your business or buying products.

  • Announce a new product.

  • Ask for testimonials.

  • Wish people a happy birthday.

  • Send out a monthly postcard newsletter.

  • Remind your downline of their goals with pictures of cars, exotic lo-
    cations, and so on.

Use your imagination and you can come up with many different postcard
ideas. Simply decide what the end result is (phone call, visit to web site, e-mail
to your autoresponder, or others), and then work backwards. The more cre-
ative you get, the more fun you and your recipients will have. And if you’re
using these postcards with a cold list of prospects, this is a wonderful way to
have them raise their hands and contact you once you get them interested.
If you’re serious about cutting through your prospects’ clutter and really
catching their attention, I highly recommend adding postcards to your busi-
ness. I invite you to stop by my web site to get
more details on using postcards in your network marketing business.



This method—writing your own information product—is one that many of
the network marketing gurus use to build their downline on the back end.
They’ll sell you generic training tapes, books, or CDs on the front end, and
then on the back end, they’ll invite you to join their team.
It works. Why? Because you look up to them as the expert since they
made themselves published authors. And people are always attracted to the
leaders and experts. So how can you leverage being The Expert? Easy. Create
your own information product. Although you can make CDs, tapes, books,
binders, manuals, and more, the easiest, quickest way to publish your own
product is by creating an e-book. Simply put, it’s just like a regular book, except

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