The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

your e-zine. If you want more help with your online newsletter, check out for free resources and tips.
Of course, you can also make sure people get your newsletter by sending
one out monthly to your existing customers, prospects, and downline mem-
bers. That way, you aren’t selling your newsletter on the front end, but are us-
ing it to regularly keep in touch with your contacts once you establish an
initial relationship.
Newsletters are a powerful way to bond with your customers. Be sure to
pick a format and topic, then stick to it. And also be sure to mix in a dose of
your personal life and current events. It’s a lot more entertaining to read that
way. If you are consistent in your publishing cycle, people will come to rely
on you.
But beware! The number one crime you can commit is to be boring in
your marketing. I publish a free newsletter, “Instant MLM Profit Secrets”
(available at,,) full of articles, tips, re-
sources, and other fun things you can use to grow your business and get more
enjoyment out of it. I found that when I injected a lot more personality into it,
the results were much more successful. Now, not only do I talk about busi-
ness, but I discuss holidays and trips, host contests, and even talk about my
personal life. When you start your newsletter, make sure it’s informative and
fun for the reader!


Let’s face it. Not every prospect or customer responds to the same means of
communication. Some like e-mail, some prefer to receive letters in the regular
mail, and still others like to actually hear your voice before responding. My
friend and a brilliant marketer, Stephen Pierce, refers to this as “multidimen-
sional marketing.” You should be contacting your prospects, customers, and
downline every way you can.
In the past two years, multimedia has been hitting the Internet in a big
way. It has been around for a while, but the technology has gotten to a point
where even people on dial-up modems can hear and understand multimedia
presentations on web sites. That means you can now quickly and easily pub-
lish your own voice on a web site or send it in an e-mail.
For the last year, I’ve been adding audio into my online marketing
and I’ve seen great results. For example, go to my main web site, http://www.Instant, and look at the testimonials. You’ll see that not
only do I include a picture of the person, but I also have a button you
can click to hear their testimonial. It’s a lot more believable when you can
listen to the person you’re reading and seeing. Plus, they didn’t have to do
anything special to record the testimonial. I use an awesome service at

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