The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

enough so I don’t have a single worry about finances and I can be living on a
large horse ranch in Ocala, Florida” was her answer when people asked
about the number 2005 in her screen name.
It’s possible to create and use more than one screen name. A screen
name like MentorForHealth would encourage people to talk about health is-
sues. The screen name MentorForWealth would invite conversations of an
economic nature. The screen name you create acts like a magnet and attracts
targeted people to you.
When Cindy created another screen name, SuccessGal2005, the nature
of her instant message conversations changed. What do you do? What made
you successful? Could you help me become successful? These were questions
she routinely received when she sent an instant message to anyone. People still
wanted to know the significance of the number 2005. But they were also curi-
ous and interested in knowing what she did to become successful.
One of Cindy’s friends, Donna, created the screen name The-
LifestyleChanger. Within five seconds of signing on to Yahoo! Messenger she
received an instant message from a man in her area. His opening instant mes-
sage to her was, “Hello, you’ve got an interesting screen name. What do you
do?” This was a question she would be asked over and over again.
Donna responded with an answer that she would use repeatedly.
“Hello. I work with other women. I show them how to create an additional
income stream working from home that dramatically changes their
lifestyle. Would you know any women who might be interested in some-
thing like this?”
The man answered, “As a matter of fact I do. Would you have some
time later today to speak to my wife? She is looking for something to do from
home.” Twenty minutes later, Donna was on the phone with the couple talk-
ing about her business.
The Internet opened doors for Cindy and gave her access to more
people than she could ever meet on her own. The more people Cindy met
online who became involved in her business, the more she realized how
valuable a resource it was. Cindy explained how the Internet gave her an
“If I walked into a room full of strangers for some networking, I would
talk to a lot of people who just wouldn’t be interested in what I had to say. It’s
unavoidable. I’d live the sales cliché you have to go through 100 no’s for
every yes. The Internet changes everything. Imagine walking into a room full
of strangers. And I’m not talking about Internet chat rooms. This room has
millions of people in it—and everyone in the room is walking around with a
sign on their back that tells you all about them. I can pick out the best people
to talk to based on the information they provide me with. It’s as easy to send
an instant message to someone who shares my interests and values as it is to
pick a green M&M out of a bowl of mixed candy.”


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