The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



How to Use Direct Mail to Promote

Your Network Marketing Program

Larry Chiappone


an you build a successful network marketing business using direct
mail? Why do you think that if you mail 10,000, 20,000, or even
100,000 brochures, you will be rich? Why do you think you should
get even one reply? Do you respond to every piece of mail you re-
ceive? Do you even look at every piece of mail you receive? And if you do, if
you were given a quiz 10 minutes after you looked at your mail, would you
remember every piece you received?
Most people use direct mail in a haphazard manner. They just mail out
their offer to some untargeted list of people they think are prospects and
then sit back and wait for the responses to come pouring in. But, guess what?
They don’t!
Let’s look at the reality of the situation for a moment. The Direct Mail
Marketing Association studies have concluded that most direct mail fails to
produce the initial results to earn back the cost of the promotion in the first
place. So why do it?
My experience points to the fact that direct mail for the network
marketing industry is the most cost-effective, time-saving, least-rejection
method known to man today! It’s the way you use direct mail that makes
all the difference. Direct mail should be considered an ongoing, never-end-
ing promotional method. Too many networkers use direct mail once or
maybe once in a while, instead of employing an ongoing promotional sys-
tem. Of course, when direct mail is used only once or just once in a while,
the Direct Mail Marketing Association has concluded that most mailing
campaigns will fail.
Too many network marketers do not use direct mail wisely, and conse-
quently think it is too expensive or just doesn’t work. So the question be-
comes, how can you use direct mail to promote your network marketing
program effectively? You can start immediately by changing your philosophy
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