The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

on what direct mail can do and can’t do, then develop a six-month mailing
campaign to promote your program, with a firm commitment to stick to it!
Your campaign should start with creating your own promotion for the
program you are endorsing. I recommended that you use postcards to gener-
ate leads. Instead of using the same promotions that hundreds of others in
your company may be using, be different from the crowd. Keep it simple. Too
many mistakenly think that success in direct mail is a function of simply pre-
senting a glitzy offer that appears to come from a well-established company.
People like to deal with people. So, develop a totally separate postcard
that you and only you are using to differentiate yourself from others promot-
ing the same program. The headline for your postcard should say something
about how a person can achieve financial success by joining this program
now. Right under the headline should be a toll-free voice mail number that
people can call to get more information. Your goal is to develop as many
leads as you can. Too many want to make a quick sale without cultivating re-
lationships with potential prospects first. Notice that you didn’t just jump on
board without first learning if this business or the people you’d be working
with were right for you! So don’t lose any potential sales or turn away any
potential business partners by trying to sell them prematurely.
Let’s look now at how to make the postcard most effective. After the
toll-free voice mail number, list some bullet points outlining important
information about the program. Give prospects several reasons why they
should consider joining the program and spell out some of the benefits they
can realize by doing so. Keep it brief and to the point. Remember, the job
of your postcard is only to generate leads. Once you acquire the leads, you
can effectively begin to build relationships while communicating value to
your prospects.
Setting up a postcard and getting a toll-free number may sound expen-
sive and difficult. It need not be! If you want to promote your offer effectively,
make sure you work with experts who have experience in making this busi-
ness-building modality work effectively for network marketers.
Let’s recap. The intended result of mailing postcards is to generate
prospects who actually are interested in what you have to offer. When
prospects call your toll-free number, give them a description of what you are
promoting and the choice of leaving their name, address, and phone number
for more information. Here’s where your real promotion comes into play.
Once you have obtained your prospect’s name, address, and phone number,
put them on your main mailing list. You will now develop your own mailing
list of interested prospects. These are your gold mine names. This list will
make you money now and in the future!
Once you develop an interested prospect, send this person information
on your program. Use your company’s material to add the element of duplica-
bility to your campaign, but add a personalized cover letter. Make it simple

How to Use Direct Mail to Promote Your Marketing Program 247
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