The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

track your ratios to see which is more cost-effective. Many successful net-
workers use cooperative mailings to generate leads and then send solo mail-
ings to these leads on a regular basis. This is the strategy I suggest unless your
budget allows for solo mailings exclusively. I regularly do both types of mail-
ings at reasonable rates and am happy to speak with anyone to determine
which method may be best for each individual.
There is an acronym that advertisers use—TINA, which stands for
“There is no average.” You will never know what average response you
should be getting for your offer. Every offer is unique, and so is every mailing.
Mailing your offers out to as many people as possible is the best way to gen-
erate the maximum number of responses. This is called testing! Your
prospects may find some offers more appealing than others. Stick with the of-
fers that generate the highest interest and, by all means, keep testing! When
you advertise, there are noguarantees in terms of responses you can expect.
Advertising is nota science. It is a calculated risk. But by testing, you can
keep your risks manageable!
Though you have little control over what response you may get, you do
have control over one thing: your decision to continue to advertise. If you
don’t advertise, you’ll certainly not get any response. This you know for sure.
When you advertise consistently, at least you are giving yourself a chance to
succeed. The better you grasp the lead-generating and follow-up system I’ve
discussed, the better are your chances at succeeding.
Consider the awesome potential of building a successful network mar-
keting business. That’s why you should only get involved with a network
marketing program you really believe in and can stick with and continue pro-
moting for a minimum of six months. Don’t forget to also show others the
value of building such a successful program. The beauty of network market-
ing is that when your new distributors promote, they are also promoting for
you! You make money on whatever they do. Imagine having 10, 20, 100, or
1,000 distributors joining your business and then constantly generating leads
and following them up. How big will your organization be then? Teach your
distributors to duplicate what you are doing, and you will achieve an over-
whelming level of success.
Let’s now consider the type of prospects to whom you should mail your
network marketing opportunity. I’ve found that the best prospects are those
who either answered an ad for or otherwise decided to become involved with
a direct-mail moneymaking opportunity. This type of person will always be
your best prospect.
Allow me to offer one last gold mine suggestion. When you start build-
ing a quality mailing list for your own use and keep mailing to it regularly for
your network marketing program, don’t you also think others would be inter-
ested in renting your list, too? In network marketing, quality mailing lists are
hard to come by. By generating leads, cultivating them, and following them

How to Use Direct Mail to Promote Your Marketing Program 249
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