The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

by typing one letter and just adding each prospect’s name to personalize each
communication. After you send your prospect an information package, place
a phone call a week or two later. Your success will dramatically increase with
a follow-up phone call. Even if you don’t call, send out a second follow-up
communication two to four weeks later and then a third or fourth follow-up
a couple of weeks apart.
Think about this for a moment. Who do you think you have a better
chance to enroll in your network marketing program, a person who has never
heard of you or a person who requested your information and with whom
you now are building a relationship? The answer should be obvious.
All the successful networkers I know use this strategy of generating
leads and then following them up. It’s pretty much a sure bet that if you are
failing with your direct mail promotions, you are not using this strategy.
Here’s the real magic of this system. As your career in network market-
ing develops, you will periodically have new products, benefits, or company
developments that may interest many on your list. Since you are developing a
constant list of qualified prospects, some may be ready to join you now while
others may not, for whatever reason. As these prospects’ situations change,
many may later be ready to consider your offers. That’s why you need to put
these names into a database and keep following them up. You will be building
a positive relationship with all of these prospects. Your ultimate success can
really turn out to be a numbers game! The more prospects you can develop a
positive relationship with, the more money you will make over the course of
your network marketing career.
Try this test. Answer some mail you receive or reply to some ads you
see. You don’t have to actually do anything when you get the information.
Just make note of who follows up with you and who doesn’t. Make note of
how they follow up and how many times they follow up. You will then be
able to determine who is succeeding and who isn’t.
Achieving success using direct mail starts with mailing out your promo-
tion to a prospect. However, the way you mail out your offers and who you
mail them to make a big difference in determining what results you will expe-
rience. Your budget probably will determine which of the two methods of
mailing offers you’ll use: solo mailings or cooperative mailings.
Obviously, a solo mailing implies that you are mailing your flyer or
postcard directly to a prospect who receives only your offer. You will always
get your best response with solo mailings! Unfortunately, this is the most ex-
pensive method of direct mail promotion.
A cooperative mailing is the cheaper alternative. Your flyer is mailed
with other flyers to prospects, so each will be receiving a bunch of offers to-
gether in the same envelope. Your response will be much lower than if you
had mailed your offer out by itself, but it also will be a lot less expensive. To
determine which method is better for you, you’ll likely need to try both and


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