The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Proper Follow-Up: The Hidden Gold Mine

Jeff Mack


ther than the actual activity of prospecting, following up is perhaps
the most important step in your quest to build a successful network
marketing business. This is the activity that defines your results in
that it’s often the determining factor between success and failure or
between wild success and mere mediocrity. In this chapter, we discuss some of
the reasons, intricacies, and subtleties of how and why the follow-up process
can enhance your overall success in building a team.
Obviously, you have to introduce someone to your business and/or
products first. There are some great tips contained in this book that if fol-
lowed will greatly increase the rate at which your team grows. However, even
if you do prospect and do it with great proficiency, unless you follow up cor-
rectly, your work may very well be for naught. Please understand that no mat-
ter how exciting your product and business is, life often gets in the way of
people calling you back, even if they have every intention of doing so. There-
fore, unless you follow up on the material and information provided, or even
follow up on a passing comment or conversation, the potential seeds you
plant may never sprout, grow, or bear fruit.
I call the follow-up process the “hidden gold mine” because the benefits
of following up correctly are abundant, and in many cases continue to bear
fruit for years to come. Let’s take a minute and discuss some of these benefits.



Whether your goal is to add a new member to your team, to create a new cus-
tomer, or both, you’re going to need to follow up with the individual with
whom you initially spoke to help that process along. In some cases, your next
conversations will be “textbook” and things will go as planned, and you will
have your new consumer or partner. However, if you hadn’t followed up, they
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