The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

on a fabulous opportunity just because they think they know all about it,
right? So try to understand and clarify for them. See Dr. Joe Rubino’s awe-
some book, Secrets of Building a Million-Dollar Network Marketing Orga-
nization from a Guy Who’s Been There Done That and Shows You How
You Can Do It, Toofor some great material on overcoming objections. If
for some reason they haven’t been able to review your information yet (and
this often happens), then repeat the process at the end of step one to set up
another time; then observe what happens. If this continues to happen, it
means that they have no interest, that they are not the right person for you,
or that this is not the right time for them. If they have no interest or are not
the right person, then you must move on, but do so in a way that strength-
ens your relationship rather than damaging it. If the time is not right, then
get permission to contact them again in three to six months to update them
on your progress and to see if the time is right to look again. Remember,
people’s personal timing does change, so this process is very important. I’ve
actually had people decide to join me literally years after I first contacted
them. I would just stay in touch with the ones I had the most respect for
about every six months, building my relationship with them at each contact.
As soon as their timing or their personal circumstances changed, we teamed
up. You’ll have the same experience if you follow what I suggest here and if
you stay the course.
If you find during this call that there is a level of interest, then do not act
surprised! That may sound funny but really, some people blow it right here.
Be confident and advance the conversation further. Find out where their inter-
est lies—in the business, the products, or both. If you ask one of the questions
from step two, they may just let you know from the start where their interest
lies. Then your job is easy. Just supply them with the appropriate information
based on that interest.
It is important that you do not overwhelm them with too much infor-
mation! Perhaps send them to a web site where they can access a limited
amount of appropriate information, or even connect them to a conference call
or other form of information. If you’re new to this business, I believe your
best option is to set up a three-way phone call with your upline partner. Your
particular company, system, or upline training will guide you here as to what
is appropriate, but just remember these four rules of thumb:

  1. Ask questions to determine their specific interest.

  2. Provide only information that meets those specific interests so you
    don’t overwhelm them.

  3. Use the system and your upline to build their confidence, your credi-
    bility, and their belief that they can do it.

  4. Set up your next contact to be within 48 hours if possible.


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