The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

They spend time being emotionally down and feeling defeated. It is at these
very times that focusing your vision on the most important results will
strengthen your resolve and your inner fortitude. Focusing on what you want,
especially when it doesn’t seem to matter or appear to be achievable, is the
mark of a great leader.
Winston Churchill said, “Success is moving from failure to failure with-
out losing enthusiasm.” Nowhere is this statement more applicable than in
the arena of network marketing. Your enthusiasm is infectious. You have
probably heard that “the speed of the leader determines the speed of the
pack.” Throughout history, great leaders have marched confidently in the di-
rection of their dreams. I recommend reading biographies of historical figures
who inspire you. My two favorites are Let the Trumpets Sound, a biography
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Stephen Oates, and Robert Kennedy and His
Times, by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr..
As a leader, it is a great idea to study other leaders and books on lead-
ership. Carry those books with you so your team members can see what you
are reading and be inspired by your ongoing commitment to learning. Brian
Tracy is fond of saying, “Leaders are readers.” Ten years ago, I heard him
say that if you spend a half hour each day reading in your chosen field, you
will be counted among the top 5 percent of people in that field within a few
short years.
Once your vision is clear, you can become more and more fluent in your
vision by articulating it and sharing it with others. If you simply read these
words but never write your vision and your goals down on paper, it is un-
likely that this information will do you much good. Creating a vision is not a
one-time activity, but rather an ongoing part of your life process. It is impor-
tant to visit and revisit your vision—daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and an-
nually. Over time, you will refine and tweak it and it will become a living
force in your life.



Like the manifestation of true vision, building a massive, successful organiza-
tion takes place over time. Without the factor of time, you cannot create any-
thing that will last. What many people miss is that time is on your side. You
need the passage of time to bring your vision into being and to grow your vol-
unteer army. Therefore, create a good relationship with time.
Jim Rohn says, “It’s not what you get, it’s who you become. Then who
you become determines what you get.” Again this takes place over time, so
be patient with yourself, your volunteer army, and the entire process. Who


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