The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

you become is vital because as you become the person you are capable of
being, you also become an attractive force. It is through the power of attrac-
tion that your volunteer army will choose to follow you. And let’s face it—if
you think you’re a leader but no one is following you, then you’re only out
for a walk.
No one signs on for a network marketing opportunity to have a new
boss—someone telling them what to do. As a leader, it is essential to have
your people buy into the process. As a visionary, you need to clearly articulate
your vision and help your volunteers create, define, and refine their individual
and collective visions. Learn how to create word pictures that elicit positive
emotional feelings. Here are some examples of language that inspires:

“Imagine being able to sleep till you are done.”
“How many people have ever wanted to fire their boss?”
“Now I can drop my son off at the bus stop in the morning and be back
there at three o’clock to pick him up.”
“Let’s travel the beaches of the world together.”

Continually express your vision for the future and continually ask your
team members about what they want. Teach your folks how important it is to
commit their goals to paper and to read over their stated vision every day.
As my brother Steve likes to say, “I should be able to wake you up at 3
A.M. and ask you what’s most important, and you should be able to answer
without missing a beat.” The most successful leaders I know have one quality
that stands out more than anything else—they are passionate about their
commitment to helping others. Simply put, they care.
As Dale Carnegie put it in his classic personal growth best-seller, How
to Win Friends and Influence People, it all boils down to two words—genuine
interest. We are in the people business. Of course, your company markets
goods and/or services, but as a network marketing leader, you are in the peo-
ple business. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much
you care.
Don’t be neutral or lukewarm in this area. Allow your natural curios-
ity to lead you in one of the greatest endeavors of all time. How can you
help others to become more and thus achieve more? How can you help
people connect with their dreams and their inner sense of purpose? How
can you help people discover and rediscover their true passion and their in-
ner power?
The greater your pursuit of true freedom, the greater your results will
be. As a leader with vision, be clear about where you are going and be patient
with yourself and others. Respect the notion that each of us is a work in

Visionary Leadership 261
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