The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

progress. Reach for the highest in yourself and in others and always go the ex-
tra distance. To paraphrase the late President John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what
others can do for you, but rather what you can do for others.” Your business
will grow and flourish as a result of your focus on contribution.

Mike Melia started out in the natural food industry in the mid-1970s. He re-
sisted getting involved in the network marketing industry until he found a
company that he could get passionate about. In 1994, he was introduced to
Jeff Olson and The People’s Network. He worked his way up through the
ranks of this company, studying the industry and building a strong team in
partnership with his brother Steve. In September 1998, The People’s Network
was acquired by Pre-Paid Legal Services. Mike and Steve applied the funda-
mental principles and practices they had learned from their mentor, Jeff Ol-
son, and reached the top position within their first year. They were inducted
into Pre-Paid Legal’s prestigious Millionaire’s Club after 39 months in the
business. The Melias produced two audio programs telling their story and
sharing the keys to success, entitled “Falling in Love with Your Future” and
“After the Honeymoon’s Over.”


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