The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

one of the greatest things someone could ever say about me is, “He has a phe-
nomenal attitude.” You will get the attention of other human beings, both
prospects and distributors, if you exude a great attitude. A great attitude gets
noticed in a positive way, just like a negative attitude gets noticed in a nega-
tive way. I don’t care if it’s in your church, in your workplace, during family
time or recreation time, or when you are building your network marketing
opportunity; you will shine brighter and create far more opportunities in life
if you exhibit a great attitude. Keep in mind also that the best way to raise the
attitude of the people around you is to exude a great attitude yourself.
One of my goals in interacting with people is that they feel better about
themselves and life in general by the time I leave them than when I started out
our interaction. That is one of the reasons that I was able to make millions of
dollars in network marketing. My attitude constantly acted as a beacon of
hope for those around me. People wanted to be around me because I was
charging their attitude by my attitude. That is impossible to do without a
great attitude that sings out, “I’m happy about who I am, where I’m going,
and my expectations of the future.”
How do you create this great attitude that will be the foundation for a
continuous path to achievement? Work hard at feeling good about yourself. I
cannot begin to tell you the impact that how you feel about yourself will have
on your attitude. Your view of yourself actually creates the basis for your atti-
tude. If you feel fat, if you don’t respect yourself because of your lack of disci-
pline, if you don’t have confidence in yourself because of the poor way you
handle difficult times that come across your path, if you don’t have a sense of
worth and believe deeply in your integrity, it is literally impossible to have the
type of attitude that will be described as a great or winning attitude. Con-
versely, if you feel good about the way you look, if you have an inner confi-
dence resulting from the fact that you exercise self-discipline that you know
separates you from the next person, if you have a silent but abiding confi-
dence in the way you handle difficult situations, if you know that within you
is a reservoir of determination that will get you through any challenge and
that you are person of high integrity, then a great attitude is a natural exten-
sion of this view of yourself. Every day presents a new opportunity to create a
positive experience that merits a deepening sense of self-confidence and thus a
great attitude. You have total control from this moment forward to determine
the view of yourself. It takes time, but you can establish an entirely new foun-
dation of trusting your instincts for success, making the right decisions, tak-
ing chances, preparing, practicing, preserving, and winning—doing whatever
it takes for you to develop that unconscious swagger that comes from a solid
belief in your own potential. As you can tell, the ability to exhibit a great atti-
tude has an enormous amount to do with your self-image.
What actions can you take to make sure that this building block to a
great attitude is in place? First, get on a regular program of exercise and

Bring the Right Attitude to Your Network Marketing Experience 11
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