The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

a disciplined decision of the mind to maintain a consistently confident expec-
tation of good results. In essence, it is faith in a bright present and a brighter
future. It is a decision to believe that God is in your corner desiring to bring
about your ultimate well-being even though your current circumstances may
not be the best. A positive attitude is not, as some think, psyching yourself up
in the hope that your fairy godmother will come to your rescue by dropping
the dream downline in your lap. The proper mental outlook is based on faith.
You should regard your attitude as an enormously valuable asset that
deserves and demands careful protection. After all, you lock your valuables in
a safe at home or you store them in a safe-deposit box at the bank. When you
leave your house you probably turn on your alarm system to protect your
tangible assets. However, did you ever stop to think that you could acquire
them 10 times over if you develop and maintain the right attitude? Just about
every network marketer can sustain a positive mind-set when things are going
well, and we are all prone to discouragement when things are not going so
well. I will share a secret to success in life and especially in your network mar-
keting venture. One of the secrets of being happy is learning how to keep your
attitude from being on a constant roller coaster. Anyone can be up when your
business is on a roll. How high do you feel when that prospect who you know
will go into massive action promoting your opportunity gets in and gets
growing? Anyone can be down when adversity strikes. How low do you feel
when that person quits two weeks later? The person who survives to achieve
success in network marketing is the person who is up when the average per-
son is down.
You must discipline yourself to understand that you are the sole propri-
etor of your mental outlook. There are innumerable issues that present them-
selves each and every day that conspire to pollute your positive attitude:
difficult family relationships, money troubles, unhappy distributor/associates,
rude customers, and the business environment. Have you ever gone through
the day suspecting that your world is in a massive conspiracy to steal your at-
titude? If you allow the circumstances of life or your business to determine
your attitude, the circumstances of life or your business willdetermine your
attitude. The only thing that separates victory from defeat at these critical
moments is a disciplined, positive attitude that has been purposefully devel-
oped. A positive attitude is a personal decision to believe the best about you,
your organization (both upline and downline) and the potential that your
dreams will come true. It is a mental step of faith.
I know that maintaining a positive attitude isn’t always easy. It demands
continual vigilance. You cannot fly on autopilot here. You have to work on it
every day. But there are few things in life that will pay you greater dividends
than a fantastic attitude.
Now that we have defined what a great attitude is, let’s talk about how
to develop one. Allow me to emphasize something right now. I believe that


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