The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

proper diet. The better physical shape you are in, the easier it is to feel good
about yourself. I interact with people differently when my waistband feels
loose than when it feels tight. Feeling good about yourself physically puts a
special bounce in your step and leads to the confident swagger that is a trait
gained by every person who has ever succeeded in network marketing. A
great attitude is much more likely to grow in the fertile soil of feeling good
about your physical presence. Remember, you are not selling a product or a
company when you are talking with someone about getting involved in your
business; you are selling you.
A regular exercise and eating regimen takes discipline. Anytime you ex-
ercise self-discipline you are waging war with the voice inside that wants you
to take the path of least resistance and least pain. It is the same voice that opts
for the easy way out. We tend to avoid pain and seek instant gratification.
The more you wage that battle and the more you win that battle, the better
you will feel better about yourself. Personal self-discipline builds character,
which leads to a better self-image, which will become a foundation for the
creation and maintenance of a great attitude.
The second action you can take is to hang around people who will be a
fertile ground for a great attitude. Most of us reflect and adopt the attitudes
of those with whom we associate regularly. Bad company corrupts good
morals, the proverb reads. In the very same way, associating with people who
are consistently negative will corrupt a good attitude. This is especially true
when you are seeking to build a successful network marketing organization.
The world is full of the negative voices that will spend the day telling you
what you cannot do and why you cannot do it. Let’s remember our experi-
ence as a parent and apply it to our lives as professional networkers.
I happen to be in the wonderful time in life where I have two teenagers
at home. I choose to commute to work 100 miles each way each day instead
of moving because both of my teenagers have a great circle of friends and as-
sociates, in my mind a big reason they are both staying on the straight and
narrow. The lesson here is simple. We know the effect that a bad relationship
can have on our children’s behavior. We guard that aspect of their lives zeal-
ously because we know the effect of a good positive relationship versus a bad
negative relationship.
I encourage you to be just as zealous in choosing your relationships be-
cause they will have a dramatic effect on your attitude. Have you ever been
around someone who acted like a drain on your battery because they were al-
ways complaining and seeing the negative in everything? When you start your
conversation with them your battery is pretty charged, but by the time you
leave them it is run down. Conversely, have you ever been around anyone
whose positive view of the world and the circumstances of their life just in-
spire you to the point that they radiate a positive energy? I know you are
thinking of people who fit both of these descriptions. You can’t afford to be


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