The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

people and the attitudes they exhibited on the way to their great accom-
plishments. Get into the heads of people who have accomplished what you
are seeking to accomplish by listening to CDs, reading books, subscribing to
newsletters, going to seminars, whatever it takes to put you in a mode of
continuous growth and getting better.
Make a decision that the person you are going to be next month will
be better and possess a better attitude than any person that you are this
month. The critical part of this habit set is that you are setting an example
for the people in your organization. I made a mental decision early in my
network marketing experience that I was going to be in a personal growth
mode for the rest of my life. I viewed personal growth as a life long journey
with no end.
Fourth, dare to dream about a better tomorrow. In other words, live
with an attitude of expectation; have a purpose. People who are on a mis-
sion and seeking to accomplish great things find having a great attitude
much easier because they have a high degree of expectation of tomorrow.
That is one of the reasons why you find people in network marketing to be
far more positive as a general rule than the people you work with in your
job. Most of the people you work with are resigned to the fact that this is
as good as it gets. They have no real power in the present because they
don’t have great hope for the future. If you know that tomorrow is going
to be no better than today it’s hard to be optimistic and it’s hard to have a
great attitude about tomorrow.
I meet many people who are trying to achieve goals but face a problem
that can be clearly defined: They have not tied the desires of their heart to the
activity that they are about to undertake. They just don’t have the right men-
tal attitude to be effective. You must maintain a positive perspective by recon-
necting to your dreams on a daily basis. Allow your vision of success to act in
the same way as a ground wire does for a lightning rod. Think of your mind
as the lightning rod. The negative things that inevitably occur in life and busi-
ness strike at your thoughts just as the lightning strikes the lightning rod. But
no matter how powerful the bolt, its force is neutralized because the ground
wire carries the negativity away harmlessly. Throughout your life, and partic-
ularly in your network marketing experience, bolts of lightning will strike at
you. You will experience setbacks and failures. Faced with crushing disap-
pointment, the average person is rocked back on his or her heels. Many never
recover. That is why the attrition rate in network marketing is so high. Most
people’s threshold for total discouragement is low because they don’t have the
quality of attitude that will sustain them through the tough moments. They
quietly sink into the quicksand of despair and ultimate defeat. However, if
you have a dream you are pursuing passionately, you will have a far deeper
ability to be resilient in your response to situations that would otherwise af-
fect your attitude in a negative way.


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