The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  1. I have an excellent knowledge of the network marketing industry
    and am constantly on the lookout for opportunities and threats
    that will affect my business so I can evaluate them and take appro-
    priate action.

  2. I have a system that allows me to establish significant market
    share in the markets where I wish to operate and create effective

  3. I am able to develop the supports necessary to service the needs of
    my team and the markets they operate in.

  4. I am familiar with the groups and individuals who are affected by
    the way I run my business and am able to get consistent buy-in to
    my strategy from all these parties.

  5. I am constantly working to develop true win-win relationships with
    everybody affected by my business.

  6. I have clearly identified the resources required to run my business
    and achieve my business strategy.

  7. I have ensured that these key resources support the focus of my
    business and that I have a regular supply of them.

To score the questionnaire: Add up the numbers you gave the individual state-
ments, divide the total by 90, then multiply this answer by 100 to get a per-
centage that reflects how thorough your strategy is.
Remember, there is no such thing as failure here, so make sure your
score is accurate. The closer you are to 100 percent, the more thoroughly you
have covered the elements of a successful strategy. The further away from 100
percent you are, the more ground you need to cover in the quest to build a
strong strategy. The good news is that anybody reading this is perfectly capa-
ble of getting an “A” with some thought and a little work, so, starting with
the first area, let’s dive right in!


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