The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Read each statement carefully, then circle a number below it according to
how much you agree or disagree. 1 = Disagree completely, 2 = Disagree some-
what, 3 = Neither agree nor disagree, 4 = Agree somewhat, 5 = Agree com-
pletely. After you have completed the questionnaire, follow the directions at
the end of it for scoring.

  1. I have clearly identified my life priorities.

  2. I use these life priorities to set my direction and guide my decision

  3. I have a clearly articulated purpose that provides focus and direc-
    tion for my network marketing business.

  4. My purpose is in line with my life priorities and is an accurate de-
    scription of who I am and what I am about.

  5. I have a very clear vision of where I will be in three to five years and
    have put it in writing.

  6. My vision is an energizing force that provides powerful incentives
    for everybody on my team.

  7. I know what my core values are and why I have them.

  8. These same core values drive the decision making in my business.

  9. I understand the core skills that are required to succeed in network
    marketing and constantly work to develop and improve them.

  10. I know how to leverage core skills into new areas of opportunity.

  11. I am clear about where I wish to build my business and have an ef-
    fective system in place for generating and attracting new prospects
    in my chosen markets.

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 23
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