The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
do in focusing on your values and making them obvious in how
you work and live. A major benefit of this exercise is that it helps
you identify like-minded people to work with!

With your values defined and clear to yourself and those you come in
contact with, your actions will reflect what you are about and your business
will be consistent with you as a human being. Not only will your decision
making and general operations become more effective, but you will be
amazed at how you attract both the kinds of customers you want to serve and
the kinds of team members with whom you want to work.
What follows is a case study that demonstrates how values clarification
can ignite your business:

Though Susan had started her network marketing business a few
years earlier, she had never really applied herself to it. This fact
was reflected by the small income she generated. Everything
changed, however, when her full-time job was eliminated. All of a
sudden her steady income was gone, and, as a 44-year-old woman
with little formal education, her future looked bleak.
To Susan, her best opportunity lay in developing her business.
In order to do this, though, she had to bring in new people and
start building a team. Susan decided that defining her core values
would help her establish guidelines for running an expanding
business. Paramount among these values was integrity, some-
thing Susan saw as vital to all aspects of her life, both personal
and business.
When she got down to really growing her business, Susan
made sure to enroll quality people whose values were in line
with her own. Her income began to grow, and over time she
emerged as one of the company’s most successful and respected
leaders. In fact, Susan was so dedicated to integrity that she
passed up on an opportunity to significantly increase her income
by allowing another woman, Jenny (who was in a different line
of sponsorship), to work with her. Why did she decline? Because
Susan knew that taking someone from somebody else’s business
just wasn’t in line with her core value of integrity. However, this
didn’t stop Susan from helping Jenny. With no thought of gain
for herself, she supported Jenny and helped her achieve the top
position in her company.
It wasn’t long, of course, before Susan hit the same mark in her
own company. In fact, the integrity she displayed in her dealings
with Jenny, her customers, and those who worked with her has
continued to pay dividends.

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 31
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