The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Another thing to pay close attention to is how existing skills you or your
team members have can be leveraged. Bear in mind that the skills people pos-
sess are our most important assets. If you can tap into abilities left dormant in
the past, you will have made a very cost-effective investment that can pay
wonderful dividends in the future.

After spending many years in the personal development and con-
sultancy field, Dave was anxious to succeed at network marketing.
As part of putting together his business strategy, he decided to do a
personal skills audit. He began by listing his key skills according to
his level of competence in each. They included listening, building
relationships, teaching others, presenting to groups, and decision
making. Next, he identified the additional core skills necessary to
succeed in his new part-time career. These included prospecting,
enrolling others, making telephone calls, coaching, leading, and a
number of others.
The next step was to compare the two lists and make a plan for
bridging any gaps. Dave saw that he was not good at time man-
agement or using computer technology. He addressed this by hir-
ing a part-time assistant who instituted efficient protocols for
handling these areas. For example, scheduling phone calls and
handling e-mails both improved how the business functioned and
freed Dave up to focus on what he was best at.

An interesting result of Dave’s approach in this case study is that
by identifying core skills he was weak in, he was then able to take action
that turned these things into strengths! Further, with these functioning
smoothly, Dave got more out of the core skills he was strong in. It is easy to
focus only on what you are good at. But if you ignore critical areas of your
business that cry out for more specialized attention, you may sabotage
your own best assets.


Examine the marketplace in which you operate, determine the threats and op-
portunities, and then select target markets to capitalize on. Be clear about
how you intend to penetrate your chosen markets.

  1. I am clear about where I wish to build my business and have an ef-
    fective system in place for generating and attracting new prospects
    in my chosen markets.

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 33
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