The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
Though he did not wish to work directly in the industry any
longer, he felt that his knowledge and experience of this market
would serve him well in attracting others from the industry to join
his network marketing business. Not willing to just “trust his
gut,” he performed a SWOT analysis to get a better understanding
of the potential opportunities.
Don started by developing a questionnaire and interviewing
people he knew in the industry, and focused on items of particular
importance to him, such as what motivated the respondents, how
they felt about their futures, and their openness to alternative in-
come options.
The only threat he saw was from other computer companies,
and it wasn’t significant enough to deter him. So Don, based
on his SWOT analysis, decided to enter the market and used
the information he had gained to develop a strategy specific
to his market. As a result, he was able to attract plenty of quali-
fied people. He went on to develop a team of several hundred


Ensure the provision of a system that meets the needs of your team in the
markets where you will be required to support the implementation of your
business strategy.

  1. I have a system that allows me to establish significant market
    share in the markets where I wish to operate and create effective

  2. I am able to develop the supports necessary to service the needs of
    my team and the markets they operate in.

One of the many things that makes network marketing unique is that
those who buy the company’s products aren’t your only customers; members
of your team are your customers, too. This means that you need to add value
to your team so that they succeed along with you. Remember, those who join
your team will be looking to you for leadership, as you set an example of how
to conduct the business.
A very important thing to provide members of your team is a system for
them to build their businesses. Having a system that works and can be dupli-
cated can lead to great success for everyone involved. So, make sure it is

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 35
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