The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
Key Interfaces

Identify key internal and external interfaces, assess their impact on your
business, and develop effective strategies to determine and address their
needs and interests.

  1. I am familiar with the groups and individuals who are affected by
    the way I run my business and am able to get consistent buy-in to
    my strategy from all these parties.

  2. I am constantly working to develop true win-win relationships with
    everybody affected by my business.

So much time is spent in strategic development on how to operate our
own businesses most effectively that it is easy to lose sight of the other parties
who are affected by it. To do so is a mistake. Not only are they affected by
our decisions, but the actions they in turn take affect us. Your key interfaces
may include any of the following, and more:

  • Family

  • Bankers

  • Accountant

  • Lawyer

  • Customers

  • Team members

  • Key leaders

  • Company management

  • Local communities

No matter who your key interfaces are, it is important to develop a plan
for each one that promotes a true win-win relationship. You need these peo-
ple to be on your side! Here is a simple exercise designed to assist you in mak-
ing the most of them:

Interface Exercise
Make a list of all the people who are, or will be, affected by your
business. Next, go back through the list and identify with a “+” all
those who are invested in your success that you have win-win rela-
tionships with, then put a “–” by the names of the people you do

Creating a Winning Strategy for Your Network Marketing Business 37
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