The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

It is so important for a new person to understand that in approaching
people, the initial goal is only to connect a prospect with a team leader so the
leader can make the presentation. A problem that has torpedoed many new
network marketing business owners is that, because they are so very excited,
they go out and immediately begin talking to people, giving incorrect infor-
mation or, even worse, too much information. The ensuing rejection is usually
So how should you approach people? The purpose of approaching peo-
ple is to uncover the needs in their lives that your opportunity can fill. A
technique that has been used with great success by many people in the net-
work marketing industry is the FORM method (family, occupation, recre-
ation, message). Now, the only way this method works is if the individual
employing it disciplines himself to always keep the conversation on the
prospect. Keep the main focus of the conversation on the prospect. The
FORM method asks questions about the prospect’s family, occupation, and
favorite recreation. As the conversation unfolds, you will uncover needs in
the prospect’s life, whether it is a working mother who yearns to be home
with her children but needs an income or a highly paid executive who has
sold all his time to earn the kind of income that his career provides. Once
you uncover the need, you are able to connect that need to the message of
your opportunity.
Remember, the less you talk when utilizing this prospecting method, the
more successful you will be. For example, if you are talking with Pam, who is
a working mom, once you uncover her need, you might say:

“Pam, I’m involved with a company that has helped moms just
like you to be with their children and still earn a very nice in-
come. I’d like to connect you with a business associate of mine
so you can look into this opportunity. I can’t make any guaran-
tees, but I know it would be worth your time to explore the

If the prospect asks for more information, just explain that you are new
and would not want to give her any wrong information, and that your associ-
ate is very experienced and successful. Your sole concern is that she gets all
the information she needs to make an educated decision.
The four actions we have discussed so far should be completed by a
new enrollee within 24 to 72 hours after joining your team. It is important
to note that new enrollees are most excited when they first come into a busi-
ness. So the sooner you propel people toward activities that will begin de-
veloping their successful business, the more activity they will produce in
your organization.

The Power of a Great System 45
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