The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

As a new team member is learning the business, building one’s own team is
essential to encouraging commitment and ongoing activity. A great system
provides team members with a variety of tools to make professional opportu-
nity presentations. These tools can include live opportunity conference calls,
three-way conference calls, opportunity meetings, company literature, an op-
portunity DVD, and Web-based presentations.


Other integral facets of a fast-start system must include product training and
business development training, in addition to the personal development dis-
cussed earlier. These activities must be made available in various, multiple
mediums to make the information accessible to all new enrollees. Consider
utilizing Web-based resources, fax on demand, voice on demand, conference
calls, and printed materials.
Strive to build rapport among team members and leaders in your or-
ganization as well as the corporation itself, building both relationships and
belief. As you increase the belief level in new enrollees, their belief in their
abilities, their team, and the company they are associated with will rise ac-
cordingly. This is accomplished by introducing them to any conference
calls hosted by the company, whether the calls are training or opportunity
calls. Local events, meetings, and training sessions are also important, as
well as regional or national corporate events. I believe, though, that the
most powerful way to establish and elevate your new team member’s belief
level is by generating income checks as quickly as possible. By simply re-
ceiving that first check, a person realizes that the system works and that
where that first check came from, there are thousands more just waiting to
be earned.
Perhaps the most important element in getting a new enrollee off to a
great start is to meet him or her at their level of need and expectation. Never
force your new enrollees into a particular goal or level of achievement, but
rather reinforce the validity of their own goals. This will always generate a
much more enthusiastic, committed team. Perhaps your new team member
only wants to use your company’s products—do not exert pressure to be
more than that or you may end up losing a great product user. Your new team
member may have a goal of earning just a few hundred dollars a month, or a
few thousand, while others may see your opportunity as a way to earn tens of
thousands of dollars each month. The important thing is to discover where a


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