The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Behave Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

Captain Dave Klaybor


like the way my pastor puts it. He says, “You are what you have been be-
coming.” This is so true. You are today the product of your collective de-
cisions. You ultimately create the world you live in. Your business
environment is the product of all your habits, behavior, programming,
and conditioning. So, reflect for a moment on the person you really are right
now and what you have become, especially with regard to your network mar-
keting business.
I learned a great lesson from my dad. He told me many times, “A
small error in judgment, compounded over time, can be devastating to your
business, family, health, and life.” And conversely, he stressed, “Good deci-
sions, compounded over time, will become amazingly positive to all aspects
of your life.”
Our thoughts influence our emotions and feelings. These influence our
attitudes, which impact our programming and conditioning. Pretty soon,
we’ve established our habits, which continue to dictate our actions and be-
come our behavior patterns. And our behavior loops right back around into
re-creating another either positive or negative thought. This brain function is
all a part of our human nature. Be careful what you think, because these pos-
itive or negative thoughts all revolve around over and over in a continual loop
that is hard to break. Learn to control your thoughts so they do not detract
from your overall business success.
This is important when it comes to your businesses because network
marketing is a state of mind. Your mind-set directs your actions and generates
results. This is why it is so important to maintain a proactive, positive, opti-
mistic attitude about where your networking business is headed.
The good news is it’s never too late to become the person you wanted to
be with respect to all aspects of your business. If you recruited only one or
two solid business builders, you could likely reach many of your goals. So it’s
time to assume a leadership role and design your business deliberately, start-
ing today.
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