The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Every decision we make, behavior we undertake, habit we form, and
action we take has a positive or negative impact on our businesses. So let’s
begin by identifying where our thoughts have contributed to business deci-
sions that have not supported our success. Where have these actions become
habits, and what patterns have you created that are undermining what you
want to achieve? What skill sets are missing to take you to the top of your
company? And what unproductive actions do you find yourself repeating on
a regular basis?
Consider these questions:

  • Have you studied the methods of operation of top network market-
    ing leaders?

  • Are your work habits in line with the level of achievement you wish
    to attain?

  • What skills will you need to master to enhance your effectiveness in
    enrollment and training?

  • Are you building your business from a solid commitment to do
    what it takes to achieve success, or do you do it only when it is

When you are able to identify and duplicate the habit patterns of those
who are successful in this business and learn a few more skills that may cur-
rently be missing, you’ll also have the tools to become a six-figure-income
earner. Acquire and then use the proven success systems that have already
been developed and organized for you to implement. Learn how to take the
correct action steps that produce results consistent with those you desire. This
is the behavior that will virtually guarantee your business success.
Your network marketing success will be determined by your state of
mind. If you are not achieving the success you seek, then perhaps your mind-
set is a little off-center. All you need to do to get back on track is to positively
enhance your attitude. And your attitude is directly influenced by your habit
patterns, skill sets, programming, and conditioning.
Many will not possess the unshakable commitment to do the things re-
quired to make it in network marketing. Some are not ready to employ them-
selves and run their own businesses in a self-directed, effective manner.
However, for those who do possess the will to make the long-term commit-
ment necessary to overcome the obstacles and become a leader in this indus-
try and are teachable and can learn all the skills required, network marketing
offers an unequaled, potentially life-changing opportunity.
Those who take the time and put out the effort to accomplish this mis-
sion will enjoy the satisfaction that comes from seeing the big picture. Clarity
never comes all at once. It comes slowly as more and more pieces are laid out


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