The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

How does one change old habits and reprogram and recondition oneself
to achieve the goal of building a large network marketing organization? First,
find a success coach—and then become a success coach to others in your
group. A network marketing success coach is a person who can champion
you to create an effective action plan and then hold you accountable to your
commitment to follow through on the actions necessary to achieve it. A coach
isn’t there to make you do something you don’t want to do. Rather, a coach is
a person who can support you in analyzing whether your actions are consis-
tent with the results you desire. Network marketing coaches can’t force you
to take action. They can only return you to your commitment to act when
you stray from it. They act much like a coach acts on a sports team. They are
there to teach, guide, challenge, and champion your success. Good coaches
are rigorous when they need to be to return you to your commitments, should
you forget and prefer to act out of convenience instead.
Every decision you make regarding your network marketing business
will have either positive or negative consequences on the growth of your
check. Remember that thoughts create emotions, which determine attitudes.
Our attitudes influence our behaviors. These behaviors, often repeated, be-
come habits. These habits influence our actions. And our actions determine
the outcomes of our lives and the ultimate success of our network marketing
Your mind can hold only one thought at any moment. It can be a proac-
tive, positive, or optimistic thought or a stressful, nonproductive, negative
thought. You get to decide which it will be, moment by moment. Decide now
to monitor your thoughts and actions to impact the cycle in a way that will
support you in being the person you want to be while realizing the success
possible through network marketing.

Captain Dave Klaybor is president of, a 15-year-
old world-class training and consulting firm noted for offering a fine network
marketing business-planning system. Dave has been on the covers of many
business publications and five books. His cash-flow-producing tools are sold in
industry catalogs. Dave is a record-breaking veteran builder, author, columnist,
and speaker. He has won top awards for his training programs, which are
celebrity endorsed, and for product excellence. Dave is available to train and
inspire network marketing organizations by conference call. E-mail Dave at
[email protected] to request his free tape on how to make
$100,000 per year in network marketing.

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