The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

sooner you are able to recognize when you make bad decisions and do what is
necessary to correct your misjudgments, the sooner you will inspire more con-
fidence in your ability to lead.
Let’s map this principle onto your network marketing business. Once
you realize you’ve erred by working your business the wrong way, simply do
what it takes to get back on course. Getting angry, stressed out, depressed, or
even quitting is entirely optional. Learn to reverse your negative state immedi-
ately, like flipping a light switch, and turn your plight into proactive actions
to get yourself back in the game.
Admission of a wrongdoing is key to network marketing business suc-
cess. John Lennon said, “How can we go forward when we don’t know which
way we’re facing?” Become fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses as
soon as you can. Identify your positive qualities first. Some examples of your
positive traits might be confidence, loyalty, being hardworking, having a posi-
tive outlook, being ambitious, proactive, motivational, enthusiastic, or in-
sightful, and being a team player. In contrast, perhaps your business-building
weaknesses may lie in your skill sets (e.g., poor organization, weak follow-up,
poor time management, inconsistent prospecting, weak sales phraseology, in-
effective communication, weak event management, inability to create rich
value for your prospects, poor use of three-way or conference-calling tech-
nologies, weak use of computer tools, poor teaching skills, etc.). Knowing
what may be missing is the first step toward implementing a plan to put these
necessary elements in place. In network marketing, we truly get paid what we
are worth. So if you are not earning the sort of income you desire, ask your-
self, “What may be missing that if put into place would dramatically impact
my business-building results?” To get on track, all you need to do is address
the areas holding you back from success.
Learn how to tap into the resources that you already possess internally,
and you will realize the success you desire.
It all comes down to the choices we make. We can decide whether to
take the hard or the smart path. If you are not realizing the level of success
you desire, it may be necessary to admit that you do not have all the answers.
Study the books, tapes, and trainings of those who have reached top levels of
success. Become a perpetual student of the network marketing profession. But
remember that it isn’t enough to simply study what to do. It is essential to
take action in order to really learn the success distinctions necessary for top-
level field accomplishment.
Since my youth, I had been taught lots of vital information over time
from many credible sources. However, most of these insider secrets just didn’t
sink in because I didn’t really listen. I did not internalize the powerful data
others were sharing. And I did not act upon the knowledge I received. Con-
trary to popular belief, knowledge alone is not power. Rather, effective ac-
tions based on sound principles generate powerful results.


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