The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

People long for a greater sense of community today—especially since 9/11.
Capitalize on this by encouraging your team to attend your company’s
events—they’ll have a powerful effect. At just one location, you’ll get to meet
many of the key company executives and support staffers, plus you’ll get to
meet, talk with, and learn from the key field leaders from all over the country
(or world).
Another smart move is to visit your company’s main offices and manu-
facturing facility. Even if this requires a trip of thousands of miles, it’s a key
step in strengthening your belief in the company. You may be with your com-
pany for decades, so the more you know about it sooner, the better represen-
tative you’ll be for all its offerings, and the more confidence and belief you’ll
have in the company, its products, the support it offers and the viability of
your long-term relationship.
Call ahead and let the company know you’re coming. They’ll be happy
to receive you and set up a tour. Meet the key people there that you interact
with already—the customer service and shipping people, the phone reception-
ist, those who handle applications and order processing, and as many key ex-
ecutives as you can spend even a few minutes chatting with. If you show up
with cookies and/or flowers, they’ll appreciate that! Very few distributors ac-
tually do this, so chances are your company will warmly welcome your visit.
The most successful distributors have been to a ton of events, have vis-
ited company headquarters, and have engaged in lots of personal develop-
ment to build their belief in all these areas. So it’s really important to make
continuing investments in yourself—to feed great inspirations to your mind
from the experience of your company’s events and conference calls so you de-
velop stronger beliefs and better skills. And you’ll learn from other industry
leaders who’ve already made the mistakes you should avoid—they’ll teach the
necessary course corrections to get onto a success track faster.


Study this network marketing industry. Read the books by its major leaders.
Attend the generic, industry-wide training events (“masterminds”) that are
put on in the United States several times a year by various successful teams of
leaders and noted industry and personal development trainers. You can also
subscribe to the industry support journal, Networking Times—just go to and check it out. Your belief in this industry will
certainly grow stronger, of course, as you create more personal success with
your own networking business distributorship.

Belief: Why It’s So Vital, How to Build It, Who’s Responsible 73
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