eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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  • Subject lines and copy style for e-mails

  • Color, font size, and image size for Web sites

The combinations are endless, and because of that, it is easy to get stuck analyzing every tiny detail.
Successful testing relies on having clear objectives to begin with, and sufficient traffic to warrant such

Listening Labs

A listening lab could also be called a watching lab, as this involves watching users interact with your site
and listening to their comments. Professional listening labs can be hired, or as Steve Krug points out in
his book Don’t Make Me Think! they can be set up fairly easily in a quiet part of an office. [2]

In a listening lab, a moderator asks users to perform tasks on a Web site and asks them to describe what
they are thinking and doing. These exercises can provide important information that looking at data

Single-Page Heat Maps

Companies such as Crazy Egg (http://www.crazyegg.com) have software that can show you exactly where
users click on a Web page, regardless of whether they are clicking on links or not.

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