Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Photovoltaic Systems

A Photovoltaic system converts light energy directly into electricity. It consists of a photovoltaic
array, batteries, charge controller, and an inverter (a device that converts direct current into alter-
nating current). Examples of photovoltaic systems are shown in Figure 13.29. The photovoltaic
systems come in all sizes and shapes, and are generally classified into stand-alone systems, hybrid
systems, or grid-tied systems. The systems that are not connected to a utility grid are called stand
alone. Hybrid systems are those which use a combination of photovoltaic arrays and some other
form of energy, such as diesel generation or wind. As the name implies, the grid-tied systems are
connected to a utility grid. One of the largest grid-tied photovoltaic power plants in the United

13.6 Energy Sources, Generation, Consumption 403

Warm air

Cool air

Radiant heat

Heat storage wall,
usually masonry

(1 or 2 covers)

■Figure 13.28
A photograph of an interior of
a passive solar house.

Source: Courtesy of DOE /NREL

■Figure 13.27
A schematic of a building with
indirect passive gain.

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