Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
relative reference to a cell, a special character, such as $, is not needed. You simply refer to
the cell address. For example, if we were to input the formula 0.06*A3 in cell B3, the result
would be 60; and if we use the Fillcommand to copy the formula into cell B4, the A3 in the
formula will automatically be substituted by A4, resulting in a value 75. Note that the for-
mula in cell B4 now becomes 0.06*A4. The result of applying the Fillcommand to cells
B4 through B11 is shown in Figure 14.4(b).
Themixed cell referencecould be done in one of two ways: (1) You can keep the column
as absolute (unchanged) and have a relative row, or (2) you can keep the row as absolute and
have a relative column. For example, if you were to use $A3 in a formula, it would mean that
column A remains absolute and unchanged, but row 3 is a reference row and changes as the for-
mula is copied into other cells. On the other hand, A$3 means row 3 remains absolute while
column A changes as the formula is copied into other cells. The use of mixed cell reference is
demonstrated in the following example.

Example 14.2 Using Excel, create a table that shows the relationship between the interest earned and the
amount deposited, as shown in Table 14.2.
In order to create the table for Example 14.2, using Excel we will first create the dollar
amount column and the interest row, as shown in Figure 14.5. Next we will type into cell B3
the formula $A3*B$2. We can now use the Fillcommand to copy the formula in other
cells, resulting in the table shown in Figure 14.5. Note that the dollar sign before A3 means col-
umn A is to remain unchanged in the calculations when the formula is copied into other cells.
Also note that the dollar sign before 2 means that row 2 is to remain unchanged in calculations
when the Fillcommand is used.

14.3 Creating Formulas in Excel 427

(a) (b)

■Figure 14.4 Examples showing the difference between the results of a formula when absolute and
relative cell references are made in the formula.

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