Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

432 Chapter 14 Electronic Spreadsheets

■Figure 14.7
The Excel spreadsheet for
Example 14.4.

menu, and turn on the superscript toggle switch. In cells B5 to C14, type density values for
Group A and Group B.

  1. Next, we want to compute the arithmetic means for the Group A and Group B data, but
    first we need to create a title for this computation. Because we are calculating the average,
    we might as well just use the word AVERAGE for the title of our calculations, thus in cell
    B15 type AVERAGE:.

  2. In order to have Excel compute the average, we use the AVERAGE function in the follow-
    ing manner. In cell B16, we type AVERAGE(B5:B14), and similarly in cell C16, we

  3. Next, we will make a title for the standard deviation calculation by simply typing in cell
    B18 STAND.DEV.

  4. To compute the standard deviation for the Group A findings, in cell B19 type
    STDEV(B5:B14), and similarly to calculate the standard deviation for the Group B
    findings, in cell C19 type STDEV(C5:C14). Note that we used the function STDEV
    and the appropriate data range.

The final results for Example 14.4 are shown in Figure 14.7.

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