Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

14.5 Using Excel Logical Functions

In this section, we will look at some of Excel’s logical functions. These are functions that allow
you to test various conditions when programming formulas to analyze data. Excel’s logical func-
tions and their descriptions are shown in Table 14.6.
Excel also offers relational or comparison operators that allow for testing of relative
magnitude of various arguments. These relational operators are shown in Table 14.7. We
will use Example 14.5 to demonstrate the use of Excel’s logical functions and relational

14.5 Using Excel Logical Functions 433

TABLE 14.6 Excel’s Logical Functions

Logical Functions Description of the Function

AND(logic1, logic2, logic3,.. .) Returns true if all arguments are true and returns false
if any of the arguments are false.

False( ) Returns the logical value false.

IF(logical test, value_if_true, It first evaluates the logical test; if true, then it returns
value_if_false) the value_if_true; if the evaluation of the logical
test deems false, then it returns the value_if_false

NOT(logical) Reverses the logic of its argument; returns true for a false
argument and false for the true argument.

OR(logical1, logical2,.. .) Returns TRUE if any argument is true and returns
FALSE if all arguments are false.

TRUE( ) Returns the logical value TRUE.

TABLE 14.7 Excel’s Relational Operators and Their Descriptions

Relational Operator Description

 Less than
 Less than or equal to
 Equal to
 Greater than
 Greater than or equal to
 Not equal to

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