Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Example 14.5 The pipeline shown in Figure 14.8 is connected to a control (check) valve that opens when the
pressure in the line reaches 20 psi. Various readings were taken at different times and recorded.

434 Chapter 14 Electronic Spreadsheets


■Figure 14.8
A schematic diagram for
Example 14.5.

■Figure 14.9
The solution to Example 14.5.

Using Excel’s logical functions, create a list that shows the corresponding open and closed
position of the check valve (see Figure 14.9).
The solution to Example 14.5 is shown in Figure 14.9. The pressure readings were entered
in column A. In cell B3, we type the formula IF(A3 20 ,“OPEN”,“CLOSED”)and
use the Fillcommand to copy the formula in cells B4 through B10. Note that we made use of
the relational operator and relative reference in the IFfunction.

14.6 Plotting with Excel

Today’s spreadsheets offer many choices when it comes to creating charts. You can create col-
umn charts (or histograms), pie charts, line charts, orxycharts. As an engineering student, and
later as a practicing engineer, most of the charts that you will create will be ofxy-type charts.
Therefore, next we will explain in detail how to create anxychart.

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