Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

474 Chapter 15 MATLAB

The Loop Control — forand whilecommands

When writing a computer program, often it becomes necessary to execute a line or a block of your
computer code many times. MATLAB providesforandwhilecommands for such situations.

The forLoop Using the forloop, you can execute a line or a block of code a specified (defined)
number of times. The syntax of a forloop is

for index = start-value : increment : end-value
a line or a block of your computer code

For example, suppose you want to evaluate the function yx
10 for xvalues of 22.00
22.50, 23.00, 23.50, and 24.00. This operation will result in corresponding yvalues of 494.00,
516.25, 539.00, 562.25, and 586.00. The MATLAB code for this example then could have the
following form:

x = 22.0;
for i = 1:1:5
x = x + 0.5;

■Figure 15.6 MATLAB’s
Command Window for
Example 14.4 (Revisited).

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