Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

476 Chapter 15 MATLAB

The ifStatement The ifstatement is the simplest form of a conditional control. Using the if
statement, you can execute a line or a block of your program as long as the expression follow-
ing the ifstatement is true. The syntax for the ifstatement is

if expression
a line or a block of your computer code

For example, suppose we have a set of scores for an exam: 85, 92, 50, 77, 80, 59, 65, 97, 72,

  1. We are interested in writing a code that shows that scores below 60 indicate failing. The
    MATLAB code for this example then could have the following form:

scores = [85 92 50 77 80 59 65 97 72 40];
for i=l:l:10
if scores (i) <60
fprintf('\t %g \t\t\t\t\t FAILING\n', scores (i))

The if, elseStatement The elsestatement allows us to execute other line(s) of computer code(s)
if the expression following the ifstatement is not true. For example, suppose we are interested
in showing not only the scores that indicate failing but also the scores that show passing. We
can then modify our code in the following manner:
scores = [85 92 50 77 80 59 65 97 72 40];
for i=1:1:10
if scores (i) >=60
fprintf('\t %g \t\t\t\t\t PASSING\n', scores (i));
fprintf('\t %g \t\t\t\t\t FAILING\n', scores (i))

In the MATLAB Command Window, try the preceding examples on your own.

TABLE 15.11 MATLAB’s Relational Operators
and their Descriptions

Operator It’s Meaning

 Less than
 Less than or equal to
 Equal to
 Greater than
 Greater than or equal to
 Not equal to

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