Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

The Jet Engine*


* Materials were adapted with permission from Pratt & Whitney, a United Techonologies Company. Text by
Matthew Broder.


You think you’ve got problems? How would you like to be a molecule of air minding your own
business at 30,000 feet when all of a sudden you get mugged by five tons of a Pratt & Whitney
jet engine?
Over the course of the next 40 thousandths of a second you, Mr. or Ms. Molecule, will be
beaten through 18 stages of compression, singed in a furnace heated to nearly 3,000 degrees
Fahrenheit, expanded through a turbine and pushed out the back with a wicked headache and
the bitter knowledge as the aircraft screams on that your ugly ordeal has been merely for the sake
of getting Aunt Marge to Phoenix for a much needed rest.
That’s basically what happens every day in the skies above as thousands of Pratt engines
power aircraft from place to place while the passengers and crew inside those aircraft experience
only the steady and reassuring thrum that results from Pratt’s precision manufacturing.
The principle of jet propulsion has been demonstrated by anyone who has blown up a
balloon for a child and accidentally let go before tying it closed. The air stored up inside the


Source:Materials were adapted with permission from Pratt & Whitney, a United Techonologies
Company. Text by Matthew Broder.

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