Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Engineering components and systems,
146 –148
Engineering design, 40 – 90, 151–152,
160 –161. See alsoDesign process;
Material selection; Standards and codes
codes for, 65 – 81
conflict resolution, 61
contaminants, methods to manage, 80 – 81
copyrights, 64 – 65
design process, 41–54, 85 – 90
economic factors, 56
evaluating alternatives, 63 – 64
fundamental dimensions and, 151–152,
160 –161
health clinic case study, 85 – 88
material selection, 56 –59
Minnekota electric outboard drive, case
study, 88 – 90
patents, 64 – 65
project scheduling, 61– 62
service marks, 64 – 65
standards for, 65 – 81
sustainability in, 54 –56
task chart, 61– 62
teamwork, 59 – 61
trademarks, 64 – 65
Engineering fundamentals, 128 – 415
dimensions and units, 129 –158
electric current and related parameters,
344 – 371
energy and power, 372 – 415
force and force-related parameters,
251– 302
introduction to, 129
length and length-related parameters, 129,
132 –136, 159 – 202
mass and mass-related parameters, 129,
229 – 250
temperature and temperature-related
parameters, 129, 303 – 343
time and time-related parameters, 129,
203 – 228
variable relations to fundamental
dimensions, 160
Engineering graphics, seeGraphical
Engineering marvels, 197– 202, 299 – 302,
413 – 415, 544 –548, 578 –580
Boeing 777 commercial airplane,
544 –548
Caterpillar 797 mining truck, 299 – 302
Hoover Dam, 413 – 415
jet engine, 578 –580
New York City Water Tunnel No. 3,
197– 202
Engineering problems, 92 – 94, 131–132,
143 –146, 205 – 207, 416 –503,
582 – 683

assumptions and estimations about, 93
boundary conditions, 624 – 625
cash flow diagrams, 656 – 657
computational tools, 416 –503
cooling of steel plates, 600 – 605
decibel scale, 605
decisions based on economic analysis,
672 – 675
deflection of a beam, 597– 600
differential calculus, 616 – 619
economics and, 655 – 683
exact solutions, 625
Excel uses for, 418 – 459, 487– 489
exponential nonlinear models, 600 – 603
frequency distributions, 636 – 638
fundamental dimensions and, 131–132
governing differential equations, 624 – 626
initial conditions, 624 – 625
integral calculus, 619 – 624
laminar fluid velocity inside a pipe,
595 –596
linear models, 587–594
linear spring, 587–588
logarithmic nonlinear models, 603 – 605
mathematics in, 584 – 632
MATLAB uses for, 461–503
nonlinear models, 594 – 605
normal distribution, 643 – 650
polynomial nonlinear models, 595 – 600
probability, 634 – 635, 643 – 650
significant digits and, 144 –146
solutions of, 92 – 94, 143 –146, 494 – 495,
614 – 615
statistics, 633 – 654
steady, 205
stopping sight distance, 584, 596 –597
temperature distribution across a plain
wall, 588 –590
time, role of in, 205 – 207
unsteady (transient), 205 – 207
Engineering profession, 2 –127
Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET), 14 – 22
career preparation for, 26 – 39
common traits of, 8, 10 –12
communication and, 91–108
design and, 40 – 90
disciplines of, 12 –14
ethics, 3, 109 –127
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE), 15
introduction to, 2 – 25
National Society of Professional Engineers
(NSPE), 3, 13
pre-engineering, 15
Principles and Practice of Engineering
Exam, 16
products and services of, 5 – 6
registered professional engineer (PE), 15

specializations of, 9, 13 – 21
sustainability concerns of, 6 – 8
technology programs, 21– 22
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for, 8,
world population, effects of, 6 – 8
Environmental engineering, profession of, 19
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
73, 76 –79
Ethanol, energy from, 408
Ethics, 3, 109 –127. See alsoCode of ethics
for engineers
academic qualifications, misrepresentation
of, 120
CD-ROM solicitation, 121
code of, 3, 111–115
conflict of interest (same service for
different clients), 118
credentials, false advertising or
misstatement of, 121
credit for work, 118
engineering, 110 –111
engineer’s creed, 115 –116
gift sharing, 118
hazardous material use, 118 –119
National Society of Professional Engineers
(NSPE), 3, 111–121
NSPE Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest
case studies for, 117–121
plagiarism (consent of technical proposal
use), 121
project success, false advertising of, 120
software design testing, 119
whistle blowing, 119 –120
European Union Cstandards, 68, 71
Evaluation of design alternatives, 63 – 64
Evaluation, design process, 44
Evaluator, team role of, 60
Exact solutions, 625
Excel, 418 – 459, 487– 489, 645 – 648,
675 – 678. See alsoCells; Excel functions
arithmetic operations, 422 – 423
basic ideas of, 419 – 420
cells, 420 – 428
curve fitting, 448 – 452
economic analysis using, 675 – 678
Fillcommand, 426 – 428
formulas, 422 – 426
functions, 428 – 434, 675 – 678
importance in engineering, 418 – 419
importing files into MATLAB,
487– 489
inserting cells, columns, and rows, 422
logical functions, 433 – 434
matrix computations, 441– 447
plotting, 434 – 441, 448 – 452
ranges, 421– 422

Index 693

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