Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Excel (Continued)
standard normal distribution using,
645 – 648
workbooks, 420
worksheets, 420
Excel functions, 428 – 434, 675 – 678
engineering analysis uses of, 428 – 430
exponential, 431
financial (economic analysis), 675 – 678
Insert function (fx) menu, 429
logarithmic, 431
logical, 433 – 434
now( ), 430
relational operators, 433
today ( ), 430
trigonometric, 431
Executive summaries, 97
Exponential functions, 431, 472, 600 – 603
Excel, 431
nonlinear mathematical models, 600 – 603
Extension lines, drawing, 512
External force, 254 – 255, 262 – 265

Factor of safety (F.S.), 288
Fahrenheit (°F), unit of, 135, 309 – 310,
313 – 315, 589 –590
Farad (F), unit of, 360
Feasible solution region, design process,
47– 48
Fibers (glass), 569 –570
Filaments, 36
Fillcommand, Excel, 426 – 428
Fillets, drawings, 512
Film resistance (coefficient), 324
Financial functions, Excel, 675 – 678
Finisher, team role of, 60
Fixed errors, 638
Fixed support, 266
Flow rate, 219 – 220, 236
mass, 236
volume, 219 – 220
Fluid materials, 554 –555, 571–573
air, 571–572
humidity, 572
material phases of, 554 –555
material selection and, 571–573
water, 572 –573
Fluids, 257– 258, 270 – 273, 277– 280,
288 – 290, 557, 595 –596
bulk modulus of compressibility,
288 – 290, 557
buoyancy, 271
force and, 257– 258, 270 – 273, 277– 280,
288 – 290
friction, 257– 258
heat capacity of, 557

hydraulic systems, 277– 280
laminar velocity inside a pipe, 595 –596
material selection of, 557
nonlinear model for, 595 –596
Pascal’s law, 270 – 273
pressure and, 270 – 273, 277– 280
vapor pressure of, 557
viscosity of, 257– 258, 557
Fluorescent lamps, 365 – 366
Font option, Excel, 445
Foot (ft), unit of, 135, 163 –164
Footcandle, unit of, 363
forcommand, MATLAB, 474 – 475, 479
Force and force-related parameters,
134 –138, 251– 302
area, acting over an, 269 – 281
average reaction, 291– 292
boundary conditions and, 259, 267
bulk modulus of compressibility, 288 – 290
Caterpillar 797 mining truck, engineering
marvel, 299 – 302
compressive (ultimate) strength, 283,
286 – 288
distance, acting at a, 253 – 254, 262 – 267
distance, acting over a, 267– 268
external, 254 – 255, 262 – 265
factor of safety (F.S.), 288
friction, 257– 258
fundamental dimension, as a, 252 – 254
gravitational, 253 – 254, 260 – 262,
262 – 267
Hooke’s law, 255 – 257, 283 – 284
initial conditions and, 259, 267
internal, 265 – 266
linear impulse, 290 – 292
modulus of elasticity, 282 – 285
modulus of rigidity, 285 – 288
moment of a, 262 – 267
newton (N), SI unit of, 134, 254
Newton’s laws, 259 – 262
point of application, 254 – 255
pound force (lbf), BG unit of,
136 –137, 254
pressure, 269 – 281
reaction, 266 – 267, 291– 292
shear modulus, 285 – 288
spring, 255 – 257
stress, 280 – 288
support conditions for, 266 – 267
tensile (yield) strength, 283, 286
time, acting over, 290 – 292
torque, 254 – 255, 262 – 267
units of, 134 –138, 254 – 255
viscosity, 257– 258
work, 267– 268
Forced convection, 323 – 324
Format Cells option, Excel, 425, 445
formatcommand, MATLAB, 465

Format Trendlinedialogue box, Excel,
448 – 451
Formula bar, Excel, 419 – 420
Formulas, 422 – 426, 467
Excel creation of, 422 – 426
Fourier’s law, 318 – 319
fprintfcommand, MATLAB, 465 – 466
Free (natural) convection, 323 – 324
Frequencies, 210 – 212, 350
alternating (ac) current and, 350
electrical system examples of, 211
natural, 210 – 211
periods and, 210 – 212
Frequency distribution, 636 – 638
bar graphs (histograms), 636 – 637
cumulative, 637– 638
grouped, 636 – 637
Friction, 257– 258
dry, 257
viscous, 257– 258
Fuels, heating values of, 335 – 336
Full-section views, 518 –519
Fundamental dimensions, 129, 131–132,
151–152, 160 –164, 230 – 233,
252 – 254, 304 – 308, 345 – 347, 363 – 364
amount of a substance, 129
coordinate systems, 162 –163
design variables defined using, 151–152
electrical current, 129, 345 – 347
engineering design and analysis using,
151–152, 160 –161
engineering problems and, 131–132
force, 252 – 254
length, 161–164
luminous intensity, 260, 363 – 364
mass, 129, 230 – 233
systems of units, 161, 163 –164
temperature, 129, 304 – 308
time, 129, 204 – 207
types of, 129, 131–132
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE), 15
Future worth (FW), 658 – 660, 664 – 668,
674 – 675
annual payment, 665
decisions based on analysis, 674 – 675
monthly payment, 665 – 666
present amount, 658 – 660
series payment, 664 – 668

Gatherer, team role of, 60
Gauge pressure, 275 – 276
Gauss elimination method, 491– 492,
614 – 615
General Conference on Weights and
Measures (CGMP), 132, 134, 346

694 Index

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