Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
matrix algebra, 441– 447, 464 – 465,
469 – 471, 489 – 492, 605 – 616
nonlinear models, 594 – 605
polynomial functions, 595 – 600
rate of change, 616
Roman numerals in, 586 –587
scalar values, 215, 441, 463, 607– 608
slopes, 590 –591, 597– 600
symbols, 492 – 495, 585 –587
vectors, 215 – 216, 240, 441, 464
MATLAB, 461–503. See alsoMATLAB
arithmetic operators, 464, 467
basic ideas of, 462 – 471
built-in functions, 471– 479
Command Window, 478, 480, 486
curve fitting, 492 – 493
debugging, 478 – 479
dspcommand, 465 – 466, 469
element by element operations, 467– 469
formatcommand, 465
formulas, 467
fprintfcommand, 465 – 466
importance in engineering, 461– 462
importing files from Excel, 487– 489
linear equations, solutions of simultaneous,
494 – 495
matrix computations, 464 – 465, 489 – 492
matrix operations, 469 – 471
plotting, 480 – 489, 492 – 493
ranges of data, 466 – 467
saving workspace, 466
solvecommand, 493 – 495
symbolic mathematical operations,
493 – 495
MATLAB functions, 471– 479
built-in, 471– 479
conditional statements, 475 – 477
engineering analyses, uses for, 471– 472
exponential, 472
forcommand, 474 – 475
helpand commands, 471
ifstatement, 476
if, elsestatement, 476 – 477
logarithmic, 472
logical operators, 475
loop control, 474 – 475
M-files, 478 – 479
relational operators, 475 – 476
trigonometric, 472
whilecommand, 475
Matrix, defined, 441, 464
Matrix algebra, 441– 447, 464 – 465,
469 – 471, 489 – 492, 605 – 616
addition, 607
basic definitions of, 605 – 607
columns { }, 442, 606
determinant of a matrix, 611– 613

diagonal matrix, 606
direct expansion, 612 – 613
elements of a matrix, 441– 442,
464 – 465, 606
Excel computations, 442 – 447
Font option, Excel, 445
Format Cellsoption, Excel, 445
Gauss elimination method, 491– 492,
614 – 615
invcommand, MATLAB, 491
inverse of a matrix, 615 – 616
linear equations, solutions of simultaneous
using, 494 – 495
MATLAB computations, 489 – 492
multiplication, 607– 610
multiplying a matrix by another, 608 – 610
operations in MATLAB, 469 – 471
rows [ ], 442, 606
scalar values, 441, 463, 606 – 608
singular matrix, 613
size of matrix (rows and columns),
441– 442, 606
square matrix, 442, 606
subtraction, 607
symmetric matrix, 611
transpose of a matrix, 610 – 611
unit (identity) matrix, 606
vectors, 441, 464
Maturity date, bonds, 678
Maximum contaminant level (MCL), 76
Maximum contaminant level
goal (MCGL), 76
Mean, statistics and, 638 – 639
Mechanical energy, 373 – 378
conservation of, 378
elastic energy, 376 – 377
kinetic energy, 373 – 374
potential energy, 374 – 376
work and, 373 – 378
Mechanical engineering,13, 16 –18,
88 – 90, 513 –512
design process, 88 – 90
graphical communication in, 531–532
Minnekota electric outboard drive, case
study, 88 – 90
profession of, 13, 16 –18
symbols used in, 531–532
Mechanical work, seeWork
Mechanics, defined, 259
Memos, 97
Menu bar, 419 – 420, 462 – 463
Excel, 419 – 420
MATLAB, 462 – 463
Metabolic rate, 329 – 330
Metals, 561–564
aluminum, 561
copper and copper alloys, 562 –563
iron, 563 –564

lightweight, 561–562
magnesium, 562
material selection and, 561–564
steel, 563 –564
titanium, 561–562
Meter ( m), unit of, 132 –134, 163 –164
Micrometer (m), unit of, 163 –164
Miles per hour ( mph), unit of, 215
Millimeter ( mm), unit of, 163 –164
Minimize tool, MATLAB, 462 – 463
Mining engineering, profession of, 20
Mixed cell reference, Excel, 427
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
(MACRS), 678
Modulus of elasticity, 57–58, 282 – 285,
556, 558
elastic point, 282
force and, 282 – 285
Hooke’s law, 283 – 284
material selection and, 57–58, 556, 558
stress – strain diagram, 282 – 283
Modulus of resilience, material selection and,
58, 556
Modulus of rigidity, 58, 285 – 288, 556, 558
force and, 285 – 288
material selection and, 58, 556, 558
Modulus of toughness, material selection
and, 58, 557
Mole ( mol), unit of, 132 –134
Moment of inertia, 185 –190, 233, 236 – 239
area, 185 –190
formulas for, 238 – 239
mass, 233, 236 – 239
Moments, 262 – 267
couple, 265
direction of, 263 – 264
external force, 262 – 265
force acting at distance, 262 – 267
internal force, 265 – 266
magnitude of, 263
reaction forces, 266 – 267
Momentum, 239 – 241
Motion, Newton’s laws of, 150, 259 – 260
Motivator, team role of, 60
Motors, 360 – 363, 388 – 389
continuous duty, 363
duty cycle, 363
efficiency of, 388 – 389
electrical, 360 – 363
intermittent duty, 363
selection of, 360 – 362
Move tool, MATLAB, 462 – 463

Name box, Excel, 419 – 420
National Academy of Engineering (NAE), 13
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), 13

Index 697

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