The Great Secret of Mind

(Chris Devlin) #1

Author’s Colophon

I HAVE WRITTEN THIS book after repeated requests from my two Taiwanese disciples,

Shen Yee-Yun (Yeshe Dolma) and Lui Shenli. Great benefit would accrue, they
assured me, if I would publish a book that contains everything that I have taught
them. My Singaporean disciple, Hui Sheun, added his request to theirs. I have
composed it at Pal Dagmar Namkha Kyungdzong monastery, in Nepal, far from the
madding crowd but close to Mount Kailash, the Palace of Chakrasamvara, the chief
power place in Tibet.

To repay my mother for enduring the suffering of pregnancy
I could not but make good use of my time in this world;
So seeking also to repay the lifelong offerings of others,
I offer this book now to all the peoples of the world.

Remembering the gratitude I owe to my glorious lamas,
So that their precious instruction should not be wasted,
Through the merit acquired by this work,
May it become a necklace adorning youth,
May Buddhism flourish, and may all beings benefit.
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