Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

All in all, there are 4 fonts from 3 typefaces being used here, and they all
pull together into a cohesive design, because each role assigned to a font
is fixed and is very clearly defined in the typographic hierarchy. When in
doubt, define!

Contrast Font Weights

A sure-fire way to muddy your typographic hierarchy is to fail to distinguish
elements in the hierarchy from one another. In addition to variations in size,
make sure you are creating clear differences in font weights to help
guide the reader՚s eye around your design.

In the example on the left, we have a decent size contrast, but not enough
font weight contrast. The Myriad Light, when set above a Minion Bold,
tends to fade back and lose visual authority. However, we want the reader՚s
eye to go to the heading, not the body copy, at least initially.

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