Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

  • Baskerville, ̒Times New Roman̓, Times, serif

  • Garamond, ̒Hoefler Text̓, ̒Times New Roman̓, Times, serif

  • Geneva, ̒Lucida Sans̓, ̒Lucida Grande̓, ̒Lucida Sans Unicode̓, Verdana,

  • GillSans, Calibri, Trebuchet, sans-serif

For headlines:

  • Georgia, Times, ̒Times New Roman̓, serif

  • Palatino, ̒Palatino Linotype̓, ̒Hoefler Text̓, Times, ̒Times New Roman̓, serif

  • Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva

  • Trebuchet, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif

And a few that are balanced for either body or headline text:

  • Impact, Haettenschweiler, ̒Arial Narrow Bold̓, sans-serif

  • Cambria, Georgia, Times, ̒Times New Roman̓, serif

  • ̔Copperplate Light̓, ̒Copperplate Gothic Light̓, serif

    • Futura, ̒Century Gothic̓, AppleGothic, sans-serif

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